13 06, 2018

Does My Business Really Need A Website Design?

June 13th, 2018|Business, Marketing, Photography, Typography, Web Design|

Professional Website Management is Essential In today’s digital marketing atmosphere, your website warrants ongoing attention, time, and fiscal resources. Your website ­— like company assets — should be viewed as an investment and not a meer expense, and it deserves an adequate portion [...]

6 06, 2018

Businesses Are Prioritizing Web Design More Than Ever

June 6th, 2018|Business, Marketing, Photography, Typography, Web Design|

Unlock the secrets to successful small business marketing with our insightful analysis on why web design has become an indispensable priority. Delve into the compelling reasons driving businesses to invest in stellar web design strategies.

4 04, 2018

Voice-Assisted Search Optimization For Web Design

April 4th, 2018|Design, Business, Coding, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design, WordPress|

Explore why exceptional web design is indispensable for non-profit organizations seeking to thrive in the digital landscape. Discover insightful perspectives on the vital role of web design for non-profit organizations and how it helps with administration, outreach, fundraising, and industry relations for non-profits.

12 12, 2017

How To Expedite Web Design and Save Money

December 12th, 2017|Business, Marketing, Photography, Typography, Web Design|

[vc_row height="small"][vc_column][vc_column_text]This week, we're focusing on the web design process as it relates to new projects and how we work with clients. We are specifically focusing on the different aspect related to redesigning a website and/or creating a brand new one. We will outline the [...]

9 09, 2017

Setting Up A Fully-Branded Email Address

September 9th, 2017|Business, Email Marketing, Marketing, Photography, Web Design|

So you have your website setup and it looks great but your not sure how to handle your email because you have a current email but you would like to have an email with your new domain (i.e. [email protected]). Sound complicated? The good news is you can keep your old email and start using a new one as well. [...]

16 03, 2017

How Long Does it Take to Produce a Website?

March 16th, 2017|Business, Coding, Marketing, Photography, Web Design, WordPress|

The time frame for website production remains one of the most ambiguous aspects of web design because every client is as different as every web designer. In our experience, we have worked with many organizations and the level of organization among businesses and non-profit organizations spans from highly organized to little or no organization. As a result, we understand that the timeline of the project will depend heavily on the amount of pre-developed marketing.

23 02, 2017

Do I Need Professional Web Hosting?

February 23rd, 2017|Business, Email Marketing, Marketing, Photography, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design, Web Hosting|

We get so many businesses, start-ups, and organizations that have many questions about web design and marketing. Where should we spend money on marketing first? How much do we need to spend to create a solid online presence? Is a logo important? We're on a budget, should we invest in a website for our business? The resounding answer is of course it does, web design is more important than ever.

21 02, 2017

How to Create a Killer SEO Landing Page

February 21st, 2017|Business, Email Marketing, Marketing, Photography, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design, Web Hosting|

In today's times, search engine optimization is extremely important and it will impact your bottom line. A great way to optimize and increase conversions on landing pages is to ensure that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is being used correctly and effectively. In this article we focus on SEO landing pages and how to implement them in a way that produces results.

20 01, 2017

Menu Design Improves Restaurant Sales

January 20th, 2017|Business, Marketing, Photography, Printing, Typography, Web Design|

One of the least considered elements of a new business is menu design. Whether your starting a coffee shop or a fine dining restaurant menu design will impact the way customers engage with your business. Menus are one of the first marketing elements customers come in contact with and significantly impact purchasing decisions. Recently, I have even told clients that menus can act as a contract of sorts and serve the purpose of setting rules and guidelines for your business. In relation to marketing, menus can be one of the most time-consuming elements to design and for good reason. How much time and thought is put into crafting a menu will directly correlate with the success of a business.

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